Blantyre-based chef Ipyana Mwagomba on Saturday challenged fellow chefs in the country to be creative and innovative by making own Malawian dishes.
Chef Ipyana, who has fashioned goat soup and has christened himself The King of Goat Soup, said time has come for chefs in the country to come out and contribute to development of Malawi through tourism.
“As chefs, we are artists and so, we need to have our own signature dishes and sell Malawi to the world.
We need to feed tourists and fellow Malawians with own dishes,” he said.
The chef organised a special event at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre on Saturday.
The dine with chef Ipyana event, which also acted as a warm up to Driemo’s Mzaliwa album launch at Comesa Hall on the same night, attracted renowned artists such as Soldier Lucius Banda, Kell Kay, Saint and Miss Malawi second princess Roberta Kanjelo.
“Local dishes are a huge tool for growing our tourism. I am happy that goat soup is now five star and I am excited to have served celebrities such as Soldier Lucius Banda and Driemo,” he said.
He said goat soap, which includes goat meat, mixture of vegetables and herbs, is fresh and that it is tasty.
Lucius said he has been hearing about goat soup for some time and he was happy to taste it.
“I encourage chef Ipyana to grow it and have it in different places so that people can enjoy it,” he said.