By Brenda Kayo:
About 17 standard 8 learners at Chawe Primary School in Chiradzulu District will not have a chance to sit 2024 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) examinations after their examination fees were allegedly embezzled by one of the teachers at the school.
Chiradzulu Police Station spokesperson Cosmas Kagulo identified the suspect as Daniel Williams.
He alleged that the teacher embezzled examination fees for 17 students.
“We suspect that Williams collected K67,150 from the 17 learners during the registration period and misappropriated the money for the students.
“We have apprehended Williams for embezzling examination fees for students at Chawe Primary School. Williams will appear before court today [Monday] to answer the charges,” Kagulo said.
About 262,216 learners are expected to sit PSLCE examinations, which are expected to start tomorrow.
Examinations’ administration will end on Friday, May 24 2024.